Our Goal

Our goal here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton is to make disciples who would "set the world on fire for Christ."

Jesus shared this mission before ascending into Heaven saying "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
This calling surpasses what we can achieve, but it does not exceed the power of Christ working within us. Which is why our Lord encompasses this mission with these words, "All authority on Heaven and Earth has been given to me... And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)

We pursue this purpose at SEAS by:

Encountering  Christ in the sacraments

Growing  together in faith and in Christ's love

Serving  our neighbors through Christ-like mercy and hospitality

We invite everyone in our community to join us as we take a crucial step forward in this mission through our Building Community for Christ Capital Campaign, which will strategically and exponentially move us forward in obedience to Jesus’ mission.

Current Updates

Weekly Participation Update:

Numbering of Participating Families: 1,037
Participation Rate: 20.7%
Commitments Received: $3,183,785
Total Funds Pledged: $7,690,013

Update on Adoration Chapel and covered Walkway

Construction has started on the Covered Walkway and Adoration Chapel!
Please bear with us and with each other as we adjust our parking and church access. Due to the fluid nature of this project, we may have to make further adjustments. Our goal is to help everyone attend Mass safely with as minimal disruption as possible.

Please note the following:
  • The West Entrance of the PAC will be open for the 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses. There will be Ushers and Guardians present to help guide you through the PAC lobby and then through the Administrative Offices. The main entrance to the church will be on your left as you leave the Admin Building.
  • The circle parking lot around the Pavilion is closed and there is an active construction zone with restricted access.
    Do Not Enter!
  • All of the handicap parking spots have been moved to the main entrance in front of the church and parish offices.
  • It will not be possible to enter or exit the church using the north doors. You will have to enter or exit through the main entrance or south entrance. The north doors will be Emergency Exit doors only.  
  • During this construction period, it is highly recommended to park in front of the main entrance of the church, on the southern side of the Parish Hall using the southern drive off of Willis Lane, or the northwest parking lot in front of the West Entrance of the PAC. Another option is in the PCC parking lot. It is the red brick building that contains the Outreach Department and the Religious Education classrooms. That parking lot is accessed off of Willis Lane as well.
Thank you for your patience during our progress and please continue to pray for the success of our campaign!

Update on Family Life Center

Please continue to pray for and support our Capital Campaign as we close in on this important milestone and move forward with Phase 2, the new Parish Family Life Center (FLC). We only need $4 million more in pledges and $4 million in cash reserves to begin the FLC.

Stay In Touch

For the most up-to-date news and current events, join our weekly Flocknote email group and checkout our social media!


Donate Today. Build Tomorrow. Invest in Eternity.

Adoration Chapel

Construction starting the first week of April 2024!

First, we encounter Christ by abiding in the presence and love of Jesus daily through worship and prayer.

We experience Christ at Mass, then extend and amplify this celebration through Eucharistic Adoration. In reverence we abide in His presence and thank Him for His grace and blessings in our life, and we also reach out to Him as our ever-present help amid our sins, sorrows and sufferings.

As part of this campaign, we will build an Adoration Chapel, a space dedicated for the sole purpose of bringing us face-to-face with our God, whenever and however we need without disturbance or schedule.

With your help, we hope that the adoration chapel can be built by the summer of 2024.

Covered Walkway

Finally, our Building Community for Christ campaign will serve our neighbors with mobility issues and those who need shelter from the elements on their way to Mass or school.

Texas weather is often harsh and unpredictable, so we plan to build a covered walkway that would connect near the future Adoration Chapel to the north entrance of the church to give those who really need it access to Christ in our celebration of the Mass.

We hope to finish this project by the summer of 2024.

Family Life Center

Secondly, Christ mercifully bestows grace upon us to heal and cleanse us of sin.

A faithful response to this grace requires extending the gift we have received to one another, building up one another that we may grow as a body.
Growing together in faith requires studying the truths of God in community with one another. Studying together requires a welcoming and sacred space for classes, Bible studies and fellowship gatherings of all kinds.

To equip our growing parish effectively, we must build a new parish hall, called the Family Life Center – to replace the current building that no longer meets our needs. Our hope is to build a Family Life Center where our community – young and old – will grow together as the family of God.

There should be 3 room configurations that consist of a Banquet Hall, an Assembly Hall, and a Classroom Configuration.
The new Family Life Center will be able to hold an estimated 1,000 people in comparison to the 150 people that can fit in our current Parish Hall.

We hope to start construction on this Family Life Center by 2025.


Below is the concept renderings for the Adoration Chapel, the Covered Walkway, and the new Family Life Center as well as some construction photos for the Covered Walkway!

BCFC - Photos